Saturday, January 21, 2012

How to Make a Painted Plastic Animal

I have really love the idea of painting plastic animals ever since I saw the idea on this etsy shop, and those animals are all so beautiful! I really wanted one very badly, but didn't see much sense in buying one when I could simply make my own. Mine aren't as fancy, but I'm proud that I made them myself! If you would like to paint your own plastic animals, then read on!
For this project you will need: 
  • A plastic animal (any size, just make sure you have enough paint)
  • Acrylic paint
  • Paintbrushes
  • A rubber band or some masking tape
  • Glitter
  • Rubber cement 

First, decide how you are going to paint your animal. It is very helpful to plan ahead so that you don't make it look bad. Or you can just wing it and accept all mistakes as beauty! Regardless, you first need to mix up your paint colors, which for me were blue and pink. 

After mixing, put the rubber band/masking tape on your animal. This helps to keep paint off the area you don't want it in. What I did, is I put a rubber band around my raccoon to cut off the area that was pink. Then I had a solid line to paint against. Once I was done with the pink, I moved the rubber band so that it divided the gray area from the pink and painted the gray area blue. You can do something similar with masking tape if your animal is larger, and this helps to keep things neat when you're painting!

Now that you have finished painting all the areas that you wanted to paint on your animal, you can break out the rubber cement and add some glitter! Since the brush in the rubber cement is gloopy and hard to control, I use a smaller brush to first brush on a thin layer of rubber cement and then I use another small brush dipped in glitter to apply the sparkle! Here I did a thin stripe around the middle, but you can put it anywhere you want!

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